An attainment goal refers to the educational levels of state’s population; this is different than a completion goal, which speaks to the credential completion of students enrolled at an institution or group of institutions. To impact a state’s education attainment levels requires the collaboration of all postsecondary educational institutions and other partners, such as K-12 and workforce. It also requires focusing on the completion of students already enrolled, as well as the engagement, enrollment, and completion of new students to meet the broader needs of the state, its workforce, and its residents. Common characteristics of attainment goals are that:
For the purposes of this Commission, a working definition of attainment is having a postsecondary degree, credential, and/or certification with current and future NC labor market value. The myFutureNC Commission has recommended a coordinated statewide attainment goal that requires participating educational institutions and systems throughout North Carolina to work together toward meeting the desired attainment levels. North Carolina’s education governance is spread across several distinct systems, but this work must be a joint effort that requires strong commitment and regular communication from leadership of all systems.